2003 - 2006
Ph.D. thesis in Human Movement Sciences
(with the highest grade available in France)
Publicly defended on 1st December 2006
Faculty of Sport Sciences, University of Montpellier - France
Title: “Neuromuscular fatigue and mechanical alterations in intermittent activities: applications to racket sports”
Jury: A. Martin (Reviewer), J-F. Kahn (Reviewer), A. Lees (Examiner), R. Candau (Examiner - Chairman), J-P.
Micallef (Co-supervisor) and G.P. Millet (Supervisor).
2012 - present
Qualified as Associate Professor by the French National University (Section n°74)
Accreditation number: 12274177703 (obtained on the 06/02/2012)
2002 - 2003
Master of Science in Sports Biomechanics
Human Movement Sciences - Muscle & Pathology Lab (EA 701)
Faculty of Sport Sciences, University of Montpellier - France
Dissertation topic: “The stretch-shortening cycle of lower-limb muscles during the power serve in tennis”
Supervisors: G.P. Millet and J-P Micallef.
2001 - 2002
Master of Science in Exercise Physiology
Faculty of Sport Sciences, University of Montpellier-France
Dissertation topic: “Effects of the ground surface on the physiological and technical responses in young tennis players”
Supervisor: G.P. Millet.
1998 – 2001
Bachelor Degree in Strength & Conditioning
(Specialized in Tennis)
Faculty of Sport Sciences, University of Montpellier- France