“Publish as high as it’s practically relevant”
269 indexed papers in peer-reviewed journals with 81 as 1st author, 50 as 2nd author and 75 as last author (~35, 15 and 25%, respectively)
Publication of approximately 20-25 papers each year for the past 5 years, including 45 just in 2023.
65%/35% papers in Journals ranked in top 25 / 10 percentiles at Scimago Journal Ranking (Sport Science, Medicine, Physiology)
>11,000 citations with H-index = 55 and i10-index = 130 (Google shoolar)
More than 500 co-authors from >50 countries
>50 different journals in Sport Science, Applied physiology and Biomechanics among which (most frequent journals with >10 papers):
European Journal of Applied Physiology (Q1; Top 25%): 22 papers
Frontiers in Physiology (Q1; Top 25%): 20 papers
British Journal of Sports Medicine (Q1; Top 1%): 20 papers
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance (Q1; Top 25%): 19 papers
European Journal of Sport Science (Q1; Top 25%): 14 papers
Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise (Q1; Top 5%): 12 papers
Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport (Q1; Top 15%): 12 papers
Refereed Journal Publications with Impact Factor (IF) from ISI Journal Citation Reports
269. Girard O, Millet GP, Brocherie F. (2024) Does “Live High-Train Low (and High)” hypoxic training alter repeated sprinting mechanics in elite team-sport players? Int J Sports Physiol Perform.
268. Ramos JA, Ducker KJ, Riddel H, Landers G, Girard O, Brade CJ. (2024) Acute intermittent heat exposure with more frequent and shorter cooling breaks enhances performance and elicits comparable physiological responses to continuous heat exposure. Int J Sports Physiol Perform.
267. Shi J, Yan B, Yu M, Wang Z, Wang Y, Liu H, Zhang W, Girard O. (2024). Heavier loads in flywheel exercise induce greater post-activation performance enhancement in countermovement jumps compared to heavy barbell squats. Biol Sport.
266. Yi L, Wu J, Li X Liu Z, Yan B, Zou M, Qiu J, Li F, Girard O. (2024) Effects of three weeks base training at moderate simulated altitude with or without hypoxic residence on exercise capacity and physiological adaptations in well-trained male runners. Peer J.
265. McKee J, Girard O, Peiffer J, Dempsey A, Smedley K, Scott BR. (2024) Acute muscle oxygenation and activation adjustments to repeated-sprint exercise with continuous blood flow restriction. Eur J Sport Sci.
264. Nassis G, Girard O, Racinais S, Chiampas G, Krustrup P. (2024) In-match strategies to mitigate the effect of heat on football (soccer) players’ health and performance. Br J Sports Med.
263. Li SN, Peeling P, Scott BR, Peiffer J, Shaykevich A, Girard O. (2024) Effects of a Single Heart Rate Clamped Cycling Session Under Normoxia or Systemic Hypoxia on Physical and Psycho-Physiological Responses in the Presence of Pre-Existing Fatigue. J Sports Sci.
262. Huang T, Zhang W, Liu H, Yan B, Girard O. (2024). Comparing telerehabilitation and home-based exercise for shoulder disorders: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Arch Phys Med Rehabil.
261. Taggart S, Girard O, Landers G, Ecker U, Wallman K. (2024). A seasonal comparison of a 14-day swing on cognitive function and psycho-physiological responses in mine service workers. Applied Ergonomics.
260. Taggart S, Girard O, Landers G, Wallman K. (2024). Heat exposure as a cause of injury and illness in mine industry workers. Annals of Work and Health Exposures.
259. Taggart S, Girard O, Landers G, Wallman K. (2024). Symptoms of heat illness and water consumption habits in mine industry workers over the summer months in Australia. Ind Health.
258. Ramos JA, Ducker KJ, Riddel H, Girard O, Landers G, Brade CJ. (2024). Mixed-method pre-cooling and self-paced cycling performance in the heat: effects of appareent temperature. Int J Sports Physiol Perform.
257. Girard O, Millet GP, Micallef J-P. (2024) Constant low-to-moderate mechanical asymmetries during 800-m self-paced track running. Front Sports Active Living.
256. Girard O, Peeling P, Racinais S, Periard J. (2024). Combining heat and altitude training to enhance temperate, sea-level performance. Int J Sport Physiol Perf.
255. Takei N, Kakehata G, Inaba T, Morita Y, Sano H, Girard O, Hatta H. (2023). Effect of hypoxic sprint interval exercise and normoxic recovery on performance and acute physiological responses. Eur J Sport Sci.
254. Girard O, Bishop C. (2023). Editorial: Reviews in Elite Sports and Performance Enhancement. Front Sports Act Living.
253. Hansen C, Brocherie F, Millet GP, Girard O. (2023) Muscle oxygenation responses to repeated treadmill sprints: influence of hypoxia severity. Int J Sport Physiol Perf.
252. Smith N, Girard O, Scott BR, Peiffer JJ. (2023). A comparison of physiological and perceptual responses to fixed-power and perceptually-regulated cycling with and without blood flow restriction in trained cyclists. Eur J Sport Sci.
251. Mtibaa K, Zarrouk N, Ryu JH, Racinais S, Girard O. (2023). Mechanical asymmetries remain low-to-moderate during 30 minutes of self-paced treadmill running. Front Physiol.
250. McKee J, Girard O, Peiffer JJ, Hiscock DJ, De Marco K, Scott BR. (2023) Repeated-sprint training with blood flow restriction improves repeated-sprint ability similarly to unrestricted training at reduced external loads. Int J Sports Physiol Perf.
249. Wang Z, Yan B, Wang Y, Zhang C, Chen F, Girard O. (2023). A comparison of morning resistance priming using traditional-set and cluster-set configurations on afternoon explosive performance. Biology of Sport.
248. Zheng Z, Wang Y, Wei H, Zhang J, Yan B, Girard O. (2023) Effects of external limb compression and/or low-load resistance exercise on post-activation performance enhancement during countermovement jumps. Eur J Sport Sci.
247. Hansen C, Micallef J-P, Teulier C, Millet GP, Girard O. (2023) Lower limb muscle activity during first and second tennis serves: a comparison of three surface electromyography normalization methods. Sports Biomech.
246. Astridge D, Peeling P, Goods PG, Girard O, Watts S, Dennis M, Binnie M. (2023) Shifting the energy towards Los Angeles: comparing the energetic contribution and pacing approach between 2000-m and 1500-m maximal ergometer rowing. Int J Sports Physiol Perf.
245. Burtscher J, … Girard O, Mallet R. (2023). Mechanisms underlying the health benefits of intermittent hypoxia conditioning. J Physiol.
244. Jonson A, Girard O, Wall BA, Walden TP, Goods P, Scott BR. (2023) Reliability and validity of free-weight countermovement jumping to characterise force-velocity-power profiles. Eur J Sport Sci.
243. Taggart S, Girard O, Landers G, Ecker U, Wallman K. (2023). Comparing thermal strain in outdoor maintenance and indoor service workers in the mining industry during summer. PLoS One.
242. Brocherie F, Racinais S, Couderc A, Piscione J, Girard O. (2023). Four sessions of repeated-sprint cycling training with or without severe hypoxia do not modify overground running sprint force-velocity profile. Int J Sports Physiol Perf.
241. Li SN, Peeling P, Scott BR, Peiffer J, Shaykevich A, Girard O. (2023) Effects of cycling at a controlled heart rate in low oxygen conditions. J Sci Med Sport.
240. He Z, Qiang L, Liu Y, Gao W, Fng T, Li Y, Yan B, Girard O. (2023). Effect of Hypoxia Conditioning on Body Composition in Middle-Aged and Older Adults: A Meta-Analysis. Sports Med Open.
239. Michel MF, Girard O, Guillard V, Brechbuhl C. (2023). Well-being as a performance pillar: A holistic approach for monitoring tennis players. Front Sport Act Living.
238. Girard O. (2023). Paving the way for focused research in sport science with special issues. J Sports Sci.
237. Scott BR, Girard O, Rolnick N, McKee J, Goods PSR. (2023). An updated panorama of blood flow restriction methods. Int J Sports Physiol Perf.
236. Zhang L, Yan B, Li N, Cai Y, Wang J, Zhao X, Girard O. (2023). A comparison of neuromechanical adjustments to traditional and eccentrically-braked weighted jump squats. Eur J Sport Sci.
235. Lei TH, Qin Q, Girard O, Mündel T, Wang R, Guo L, Cao Y. (2023). Caffeine intake enhances peak oxygen uptake and performance during high intensity cycling exercise in moderate hypoxia. Eur J Appl Physiol.
234. Girard O, Racinais S. (2023). Exhaustive intermittent cycling preferentially decreases explosive over maximal voluntary torque in the knee extensors, with no difference between normoxia and moderate-to-severe hypoxia. Int J Sports Physiol Perf.
233. Périard JD, Girard O, Bourdon P, Cocking S, Ihsan M, Lacome M, Nichols D, Townsend N, Travers G, Wilson MG, Piscione J, Racinais S. (2023). Intensified training supersedes the impact of heat and/or altitude for increasing performance in elite rugby union players. Int J Sport Physiol Perf.
232. Taggart S, Girard O, Landers G, Ecker U, Wallman K. (2023) Impact of living and working in the heat on cognitive and psycho-physiological responses in outdoor fly-in fly-out tradesmen: a mining industry study. Front Physiol.
231. Van Alsenoy K, Al Raisi L, Ruy JH, Van der Linden M, Girard O, Santos D. (2023). Influence of custom foot orthotics manufactured from EVA and/or TPU materials on constant velocity, treadmill running kinematics. Frontiers in Earth Science.
230. Tee CC, Chong MC, Sundar V, Chok CL, Razali MR, Yeo WK, Girard O. (2023) Mechanical asymmetries during treadmill running: effects of running velocity and hypoxic exposure. Symmetry.
229. Yan B, Girard O. (2023) Sport science is a global field of research: issue resolved, or perhaps not? J Sci Med Sport.
228. Li SN, Ihsan M, Shaykevich A, Girard O. (2023) Exercise responses to heart rate clamped cycling with graded external limb compression. J Sci Med Sport.
227. Loh TC, Tee CC, Pok C, Girard O, Brickley G, James C. (2023) Physiological characteristics and performance of a world-record breaking tower runner. J Sports Sci.
226. Brocherie F, Racinais S, Cocking S, Townsend N, Couderc A, Piscione J, Girard O. (2023) Repeated-sprint training at 5000 m simulated altitude in preparation of the World Rugby Women’s Sevens Series: too high ? Med Sci Sport Exerc.
225. Osborne, J.O, Tallent J, Girard O, Marshall P.W, Kidgell D, Buhmann R. Neuromuscular electrical stimulation during maximal voluntary contraction: a Delphi survey with expert consensus. Eur J Appl Physiol, in press.
224. McKee J, Peiffer J, Girard O, Scott BR. (2023). Manipulating internal and external loads during repeated cycling sprints: A comparison of continuous and intermittent blood flow restriction. J Strength Cond Res, in press.
223. Taggart S, Girard O, Landers G, Ecker U, Wallman K. (2023). Seasonal influence on cognitive and psycho-physiological responses to a single 11-h day of work in outdoor mine industry workers. Temperature, in press.
222. Li SN, Peeling P, Scott BR, Peiffer J, Shaykevich A, Girard O. (2023) Automatic heart rate clamp: A practical tool to control internal and external training loads during aerobic exercise. Front Physiol, in press.
221. Girard O, Levine B, Chapman B, Wilber R. (2023). “Living high-training low” for Olympic medal performance: what have we learned 25 years after implementation? Int J Sports Physiol Perf, in press.
220. Walden T, Fairchild T, Girard O, Peiffer JJ, Jonson A, Dempsey AR. (2023) Blood flow restricted walking alters gait kinematics. Eur J Sport Sci, in press.
219. Smith N, Abbiss C, Girard O, Scott BR, Peiffer JJ. (2023) Blood flow restriction alters pacing during a high-intensity cycling task. Int J Sports Physiol Perf, in press.
218. Van Alsenoy K, Ryu JH, Girard O. (2023) No effect of EVA and TPU custom foot orthoses on mechanical asymmetries during acute intense fatigue. Symmetry, 15, 705.
217. Jonson AM, Girard O, Walden TP, Martson KJ, Scott BR. (2023). Hypoxia does not impair resistance exercise performance or amplify post-exercise fatigue. Res Q Exerc Sport.
216. Lester M, Peeling P, Girard O, Murphy A, Armstrong C, Reid M. (2023) From the ground up: expert perceptions of lower limb activity monitoring in tennis. J Sport Sci Med, 22:133-141.
215. Armstrong C, Reid M, Beale C, Girard O. (2023) A comparison of match load between padel and singles and doubles tennis. Int J Sports Physical Perf, in press.
214. Soo J, Raman A, Lawler NG, Goods P, Deldicque L, Girard O, Fairchild TJ. (2023) The role of exercise and hypoxia on glucose transport and regulation. Eur J Appl Physiol, in press.
213. Abidi S, Ghram A, Ghroubi S, Hamaidi S, Habib Elleuch M, Girard O, Papasavvas T, Laukkanen J, Bem Saad H, Knechtle B, Weiss K, Chlif M. (2022). Impact of urinary incontinence on physical function and respiratory muscle strength in incontinent women: a comparative study between urinary incontinent and apparently healthy women. J Clin Med.
212. McKee J, Girard O, Peiffer JJ, Scott BR. (2022) Repeated-sprint training with blood flow restriction: a novel approach to improve repeated-sprint ability. Strength Cond J, in press.
211. Girard O, Duan R, Suzuki K, Yan S. (2022). Editorial: Hypoxia and exercise – tissue specific and systemic adaptive responses. Front Physiol, in press.
210. Zhang Q, Zhang L, Yan B, Girard O. (2022) Neuro-mechanical consequences of eccentric load reduction during weighted jump squat. Int J Sports Physical Perf, in press.
209. Raberin A, Willis S, Richard T, Elmer J, Vernillo G, Iaia M, Girard O, Malatesta D, Millet GP. (2022) Hypoxia does not change performance and psycho-physiological responses during repeated cycling sprints to exhaustion with short exercise-to-rest ratio. Int J Sports Physiol Perf, in press.
208. Dennis M, Goods PR, Binnie MJ, Girard O, Billaut F, Wallman KE, Dawson BT, Peeling P. (2022). Taking the plunge: when is best for hot water immersion to complement exercise in heat and hypoxia. J Sport Sci, in press.
207. Girard O. (2022) Editorial: Contemporary use of altitude training to reach new heights. J Sci Sport Exerc, in press.
206. Millet GP, Hosokawa Y, Sandbakk Ø, Girard O. (2022) Editorial: Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games: specificities, novelties and lessons Learned. Front Sports Act Living 4:1026769.
205. Raberin A, Elmer J, Willis S, Richard T, Vernillo G, Iaia M, Girard O, Malatesta D, Millet GP. (2022) The oxidative-glycolytic balance influenced by sprint duration is key during repeated sprint in hypoxia. Med Sci Sport Exerc, in press.
204. Astridge D, Peeling P, Goods PR, Girard O, Rice AJ, Binnie MJ. (2022) Rowing in Los Angeles: Performance considerations for the change to 1500m at the 2028 Olympic Games. Int J Sports Physiol Perf, in press.
203. Périard JD, Wilson MG, Tebeck ST, Gilmore J, Stanley J, Girard O. (2022) Influence of the thermal environment on work rate and physiological strain during a UCI World Tour multi-stage cycling race. Med Sci Sport Exerc, in press.
202. Tee CC, Chong MC, Sundar V, Chok CL, Razali MR, Yeo WK, Girard O. (2022) Influence of exercise intensity and hypoxic exposure on physiological, perceptual and biomechanical responses to treadmill running. Eur J Sport Sci, in press.
201. Walden T, Girard O, Scott BR, Jonson A, Peiffer JJ. (2022) Low- to moderate-intensity blood flow restricted walking produces lower cardio-respiratory demands than jogging. Eur J Sport Sci, in press.
200. Alhammoud M, Girard O, Hansen C, Racinais S, Meyer F, Hautier C, Morel B. (2022) Repeated practice runs during on-snow training do not generate any measurable neuromuscular alterations in elite alpine skiers. Front Sport and Active Living; 4:829195.
199. Benjanuvatra N, Bradbury D, Landers G, Goods P, Girard O. (2022) How does multi-set high-load resistance exercise impact neuromuscular function in normoxia and hypoxia? Eur J Sport Sci, in press.
198. Girard O, Faude O. (2022) Editorial - Research topic - Insights in Elite Sports and Performance Enhancement 2021. Front Sports Act Liv, 4:960538.
197. Radia S, Vallence A-M, Fujiyama H, Scott BR, Girard O. (2022) Effects of acute intermittent hypoxia on corticospinal excitability within the primary motor cortex. Eur J Appl Physiol, 122(9):2111-2123.
196. Uchiyama K, King J, Wallman K, Taggart S, Dugan C, Girard O. (2022) The influence of rest break frequency and duration on physical performance and psychophysiological responses: a mining simulation study. Eur J Appl Physiol, 122(9):2087-2097.
195. Dennis M, Goods PR, Binnie MJ, Girard O, Billaut F, Wallman KE, Dawson BT, Peeling P. (2022). Repeated-sprint training in heat and hypoxia: acute responses to manipulating exercise-to-rest ratio. Eur J Sport Sci
194. Smith N, Peiffer J, Girard O, Scott BR. (2022) Self-paced cycling at the highest sustainable intensity with blood flow restriction reduces external but not internal training loads. Int J Sports Physiol Perf, 17(8):1272-1279.
193. Adrian J, …, Girard O, …Chamari. (2022) COVID-19 lockdown: a global study investigating the effect of athletes’ sport classification and sex on training practices. Int J Sports Physical Perform, 17(8):1242-1256.
192. Walden T, Girard O, Scott BR, Jonson A, Peiffer JJ. (2022) Does the application of blood flow restriction during walking exercise influence the accuracy of indirect calorimetry? J Sci Med Sport, 25(8):673-677.
191. Smith N, Girard O, Scott BR, Peiffer J. (2022) Blood flow restriction during self-paced aerobic intervals reduces mechanical and cardiovascular demands without modifying neuromuscular fatigue. Eur J Sport Sci.
190. Beranek P, Cruickshank T, Girard O, Nosaka K, Bartless D, Turner M. (2022). Sleep health of Australian community tennis players during the COVID-19 lockdown. PeerJ, 10:e13045.
189. Sanz-Quinto S, Girard O, López-Grueso R, Brizuela G, Moya-Ramón M. (2022). Hematological and ventilatory responses to a 3900 m altitude sojourn in an elite wheelchair marathoner. Eur J Sport Sci, 1(1):1-8.
188. Van Alsenoy K, Ruy JH, Girard O. (2022) Acute intense fatigue does not modify the effect of EVA and TPU custom foot orthoses on running mechanics, running economy and perceived comfort. Eur J App Physiol, 122(5):1179-1187.
187. Wallett A, McKune A, Pyne DB, Bishop DJ, Girard O, Saunders PU, Periard JD. (2022) Repeated-sprint exercise in the heat increases indirect markers of gastrointestinal damage in well-trained team-sport athletes. Int J Sport Nut Exerc Met, 32(3):153-162.
186. Li Y, Li J, Atakan MM, Wang Z, Hu Y, Nazif M, Zarekookandeh N, Ye HZ, Kuang J, Ferri A, Petersen A, Garnham A, Bishop DJ, Girard O, Huang Y, Yan X. (2022) Methods to match high-intensity interval exercise intensity in hypoxia and nomorxia – A pilot study. J Exerc Sci Fit,20: 70-76.
185. Ramos J, Brade C, Ducker K, Landers G, Girard O. (2022) The internal-to-external load ratio: a tool to determine the efficacy of heat acclimation/acclimatisation using self-paced exercise. Front Sports Act Living, 3:830378.
184. Pappas P, Paradisis G, Girard O. (2021). Influence of lower limb dominance on mechanical asymmetries during high-speed treadmill running. Sports Biomech, in press.
183. Dennis M, Goods PR, Binnie MJ, Girard O, Wallman KE, Dawson BT, Billaut F, Peeling P. (2021). Increased air temperature during repeated-sprint training in hypoxia amplifies changes in muscle oxygenation without decreasing cycling performance. Eur J Sport Sci, in press.
182. Girard O, Mariotti-Nesurini L, Malatesta D. (2021). Acute performance and physiological responses to upper-limb multi-set to failure: effects of external resistance and systemic hypoxia. Eur J Sport Sci, in press.
181. Tee LA, Lim J, Girard O, Aziz AR, Tan F, Ihsan M. (2021). Effect of ischemic pre-conditioning on badminton-specific endurance and subsequent changes in physical performance. Sci & Sports, in press.
180. Van Alsenoy K, van der Linden ML, Girard O, Santos D. (2021). Increased footwear comfort is associated with improved running economy – a systematic review and meta-analysis Eur J Sport Sci, in press.
179. Bissas A, Walker J, Paradisis GP, Hanley B, Tucker CB, Jongerius N, Thomas A, Merlino S, Vazel PJ, Girard O. (2022). Sprint mechanical asymmetry: an insight into sub-10 and sub-11 s men and women competitors in the World Championship 100 m finals. Scand J Med Sci Sport, 32(1):69-82.
178. Adrian J, … Girard O, …, Chamari, K. (2022). Training during the COVID-19 lockdown: Knowledge, beliefs, and practices of 12,526 athletes from 142 countries and 6 continents. Sports Med, 52(4):933-948.
177. Soo J, Racinais S, Bishop DJ, Girard. (2021). Effects of mild heat exposure on fatigue responses during two sets of repeated sprints matched for initial mechanical output. J Sci Med Sport, 25(3):249-254.
176. Soo J, Racinais S, Fairchild T, Ihsan M, Buchheit M, Girard O. (2021). Effects of graded hypoxia during prior exhaustive intermittent cycling on subsequent exercise performance and neuromuscular responses. Eur J Appl Physiol, 121(12):3539-3549.
175. Li SN, Peeling P, Hansen C, Van Alsenoy K, Ryu JH, Girard O. (2021). Detecting mechanical thresholds during incremental treadmill running and relationship to ventilatory thresholds. Eur J Sports Sci, 22(7):1025-1034.
174. Girard O, Gaoua N, Grantham J, Knez W, Racinais S. (2021). Effects of living and working in a hot environment on cognitive function: An Oil and Gas industry study. Temperature, 14(8):372-380.
173. Kojima C, Yamaguchi K, Ito H, Kasai N, Girard O, Goto K. (2021). Acute effects of additional blood flow restriction during rest periods of repeated cycling sprints on muscle oxygenation. Front Physiol, 12:665383.
172. Girard O, Leuenberger R, Willis SJ, Borrani F, Millet GP. (2022). Effects of active preconditioning with local and systemic hypoxia on cycling efficiency. Int J Sports Physiol Perf, 17(2):307-312.
171. Smith N, Scott BR, Girard O, Peiffer JJ. (2021). Aerobic training with blood flow restriction: potential benefits and considerations for endurance athletes. J Strength Cond Res, in press.
170. Yatsutani H, Mori H, Ito H, Hayashi N, Girard O, Goto K. (2021) Muscle oxygenation during repeated-sprint exercise in a combined hot and hypoxic environment. Int J Sports Med, in press.
169. Ramirez-Campillo R, Gentil P, Negra Y, Grgic J, Girard O. (2021). Effects of plyometric training on repeated sprint ability: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Sports Med, 51(10):2165-2179.
168. Girard O, Van Alsenoy K, Li SN, Hobbins L, Ryu JH, Peeling P. (2022) Constant low-to-moderate mechanical asymmetries during a treadmill graded exercise test. Eur J Sports Sci, 22(4):530-538.
167. Girard O, Li SM, Hobbins L, Ryu JH, Peeling P. (2021). Gait asymmetries during perceptually-regulated interval running in hypoxia and normoxia. Sports Biomech, in press.
166. Turner M, Beranek P, Nosaka K, Girard O, Cruickshank T. (2021). Influence of the COVID-19 Pandemic on mood and training in community tennis players in Australia. Front Sports Act Living, 3:589617.
165. Dennis M, Goods PR, Binnie MJ, Girard O, Wallman KE, Dawson BT, Peeling P. (2021). Heat added to repeated-sprint training in hypoxia does not affect cycling performance. Int J Sports Physiol Perf, 16(11):1640-1648.
164. James C, Dhawan A, Jones T, Pok C, Yeo V, Girard O. (2021). Minimal agreement of internal and external training load metrics across a 2-wks training microcycle in elite squash players. J Sport Sci Med, 20(1):101-109.
163. Yan B, Xiaochuan G, Yu J, Hu Y, Girard O. (2020). Hypoxic re-exposure retains hematological but not performance adaptations post-altitude training. Eur J Appl Physiol, 121(4):1049-1059.
162. Brechbuhl C, Brocherie F, Willis S, Blockker T, Montalvan B, Girard O, Millet GP, Schmitt L. (2020). Repeated-sprint training in hypoxia on tennis-specific performance in well-trained players. Front Physiol, 11:588821.
161. Hobbins L, Hunter S, Gaoua N, Girard O. (2021). Short-term perceptually regulated interval-walk training in hypoxia and normoxia in adults with obesity. J Sport Sci Med, 20(1):45-51.
160. Hobbins L, Girard O, Gaoua N, Hunter S. (2021). Acute psycho-physiological responses to perceptually regulated hypoxic and normoxic interval walks in adults with obesity. J Sport Med Sport, 24(5):481-487.
159. Nagahara R, Girard O. (2021). Alterations of spatiotemporal and ground reaction force variables during decelerated sprinting. Scan J Med Sci Sport, 31(3):586-596.
158. Racinais S, Périard JD, Bourdon P, Cocking S, Ihsan M, Lacome M, Nichols D, Townsend N, Travers G, Wilson MG, Piscione J, Girard O. (2020). Intensified training supersedes the impact of heat and/or altitude for increasing performance in elite rugby union players. Int J Sport Physiol Perf, 16(10):1416-1423.
157. Soo J, Girard O, Ihsan M, Fairchild T. (2020). The use of the SpO2 to FiO2 ratio to individualize the hypoxic dose in sport science, exercise and health settings. Front Physiol, in press.
156. Girard O, Matic Girard I, Peeling P. (2020). Hypoxic conditioning: a novel therapeutic solution for load- compromised individuals to achieve similar exercise benefits by doing less mechanical work! Br J Sports Med, in press.
155. Fornasier-Santos C, Millet GP, Stridgeon P, Brocherie F, Girard O, Nottin S. (2020). How does playing position affect fatigue-induced changes in high-intensity locomotor and micro-movements patterns during professional rugby union games? Eur J Sport Sci, in press.
154. Takei N, Soo J, Hatta H, Girard O. (2020). Performance, metabolic and neuromuscular consequences of repeated Wingates in hypoxia and normoxia: A pilot study. Int J Sports Physiol Perf, in press.
153. Girard O, Brocherie F, Morin J-B, Millet G.P, Hansen C. (2020). Running mechanics and leg muscle activity patterns during early and late acceleration phases of repeated treadmill sprints in male recreational athletes. Eur J App Physiol, in press.
152. Girard O, Buchheit M, Goodall S, Racinais S. (2020). Hypoxia impairs exhaustive intermittent cycle ability but not neuromuscular fatigue. Eur J Appl Physiol, in press.
151. Ihsan M, Brocherie F, Girard O. (2020). Does ischemic pre-conditioning during the recovery period between two successive matches preserve physical performance in badminton double players? Int J Racket Sports Sci, in press.
150. Périard J, Pyne DB, Bishop DJ, Wallett A, Girard O. (2020). Short-term repeated-sprint training in hot and cool conditions similarly benefits performance in team-sport athletes. Front Physiol, 11:1023.
149. Girard O, Goods PR, Brocherie F. (2020). Editorial: elevating sport performance to new heights with innovative ‘Live Low – Train High’ altitude training. Front Sports Act Living, 2:108.
148. Walden T, Girard O, Jonson A, Dempsey A, Marston K, Scott BR. (2020). Sessional work-rate does not affect the magnitude to which simulated hypoxia can augment acute physiological responses during resistance exercise. Eur J Appl Physiol, 120(10):2159-2169.
147. Yatsutani H, Mori H, Ito H, Hayashi N, Girard O, Goto K. (2020) Endocrine and metabolic responses to endurance exercise under hot and hypoxic condition. Front Physiol, 11:932.
146. Majed L, Hansen C, Girard O. (2020) Preferred gait characteristics in young adults in Qatar: physiological, perceptual and spatiotemporal analysis. SAGE Open, in press.
145. James C, Dhawan A, Jones T, Girard O. (2020) Session-specific differences in training demands within elite Squash. Int J Sports Phys Perf, in press.
144. Girard O, Morin J-B, Ryu J, Van Alsenoy K. (2020) Custom foot orthoses improve performance, but do not modify the biomechanical manifestation of fatigue, during repeated treadmill sprints. Eur J App Physiol, 120(9):2037-2045.
143. Townsend N, Brocherie F, Millet GP, Girard O. (2020) Central and peripheral muscle fatigue following repeated-sprint running in moderate and severe hypoxia. Exp Physiol, in press.
142. Manferdelli G, Bishop DJ, Franchi MV, Sarto F, Girard O, Porcelli S. (2020) Recommendations for altitude training programming to preserve athletes' health after COVID-19 pandemic. Br J Sports Med, 54(20):1184-1186.
141. James C, Girard O. In-season repeated sprint training in hypoxia in international field hockey players. Front Sports Act Living, 2:66.
140. Girard O, Racinais S, Couderc A, Morin J-B, Ruy J, Piscione J, Brocherie F. (2020) Asymmetries during repeated treadmill sprints in elite female Rugby Sevens players. Sports Biomech, in press.
139. Yamaguchi K, Kasai N, Hayashi N, Yatsutani H, Girard O, Goto K. (2020). Acute performance and physiological responses to repeated-sprint exercise in a combined hot and hypoxic environment. Physiol Rep, 8:e14466.
138. Li SN, Hobbins L, Morin J-B, Ryu JH, Gaoua N, Hunter S, Girard O. (2020) Running mechanics adjustments to perceptually-regulated interval runs in hypoxia and normoxia. J Sport Med Sport, 23(11):1111-1116.
137. Takei N, Kakinoki K, Girard O, Hatta H. (2020) Repeated Wingates training in moderate normobaric hypoxia versus normoxia had no additional performance benefits but display more favourable blood lactate responses. Front Sports Act Living, 2:43.
136. Xia D, Girard O, Rongyun F, Fuhai M. (2020) Effects of graded hypoxia and 6-week exercise training on blood lipid and leptin levels of rats. High Alt Med Biol, 21(3):243-248.
135. Fornasier-Santos C, Millet GP, Stridgeon P, Girard O, Brocherie F, Nottin S. (2019) Competition level affects the game patterns in a top-level rugby union team. Int J Sports Med, in press.
134. Girard O, Brocherie F, Goods P, Millet GP. (2020) An updated panorama of “Live Low Train High” altitude/Hypoxic training methods. Front Sports Act Living, 2:26.
133. Takei N, Kakinoki K, Girard O, Hatta H. (2020) Acute moderate normobaric hypoxia does not influence performance and blood lactate concentration responses to repeated Wingates. Int J Sports Phys Perf, in press.
132. Soo J, Billaut F, Bishop DJ, Christian R, Girard O. (2020) Neuromuscular and perceptual responses during repeated sprint cycling – Usefulness of an “hypoxic to normoxic” recovery approach. Eur J Appl Physiol, in press.
131. Girard O, Racinais S (2019) Editorial: Hurdling the challenges of the 2019 IAAF World championships. Front Sports Act Living, 1:64.
130. Aebi M, Willis S, Girard O, Borrani F, Millet GP. (2019) Effects of ischemic and hypoxic preconditioning on repeated cycling sprint ability. Front Physiol, 10:1393.
129. Hader K, Rumpf M, Hertzog M, Kilduff L, Girard O, Silva J. (2019) Which external load metrics can predict post-match acute and residual fatigue in soccer? A systematic review with meta-analysis. Sports Med Open, in press.
128. Girard O, Morin J-B, Ryu J, Read P and Townsend N (2019) Running velocity does not influence lower limb mechanical asymmetry. Front Sports Act Living, 1:36.
127. Van Alsenoy, Ryu J, Girard O. (2019) The effect of EVA and TPU custom foot orthoses on running economy, running mechanics, and comfort. Front Sports Act Living, 1:34.
126. Girard O, Willis S, Purnelle M, Scott BR, Millet GP. (2019) Separate and combined effects of blood flow restriction and normobaric systemic hypoxia during resistance exercise to muscular failure. Eur J Appl Physiol, 119(10):2313-25.
125. Mtibaa K, Zarrouk N, Girard O, Ryu JH, Hautier C, Racinais S. (2019) Exercise-induced hyperthermia impairs proprioception but not running gait kinematics. J Sci Med Sport, in press.
124. Aziz AR, Girard O, Ihsan M (2019) Effects of Ramadan fasting on match-related changes in skill performance in elite Muslim badminton players. Sci Sport, in press.
123. Hobbins L, Gaoua N, Hunter S, Girard O. (2019) Psycho-physiological responses to perceptually-regulated interval running in hypoxia and normoxia. Physiol Behav, in press.
122. Pollock S, Gaoua N, Johnston M, Cooke K, Girard O, Mileva K. (2019) Training regimes and recovery monitoring practices of elite British swimmers. J Sci Sport Med, 18:577-85.
121. Yamaguchi K, Kasai N, Sumi D, Yatsutani H, Girard O, Goto K. (2019) Muscle oxygenation during repeated double-poling sprint exercise in normobaric hypoxia and normoxia. Front Physiol, 10:743.
120. Hobbins L, Girard O, Gaoua N, Hunter S. (2019) Acute psycho-physiological responses to cyclical variation of intermittent hypoxic exposure in adults with obesity. High Alt Med Biol, 20(3):262-70.
119. Ramos-Campo DJ, Girard O, Pérez A, Rubio-Arias JÁ. (2019). Additive stress of normobaric hypoxic conditioning to improve body mass loss and cardiometabolic markers in individuals with overweight or obesity: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Physiol Behav, 207:28-40.
118. Millet GP, Girard O, Beard A, Brocherie F. (2019) Repeated sprint training in hypoxia – an innovative method. Dtsch Z Sportmed, 70:115-122.
117. Paradisis GP, Bissas A, Pappas P, Zacharogiannis E, Theodorou A, Girard O. (2019). Sprint mechanical differences at maximal running speed: Effects of performance level. J Sports Sci, 37(17), 2026-36.
116. Girard O, Behan F, Cabello-Manrique D, Fernandez-Fernandez J. (2019) Badminton preferentially decreases explosive than maximal voluntary torque in both the plantar flexors and extensors. Trans Sports Med, 2:39-46.
115. Millet GP, Chapman R, Girard O, Brocherie F. (2019) Is live high-train low altitude training relevant for elite athletes? Flawed analysis from inaccurate data. Br J Sports Med, 53(15):923-925.
114. Al Hammoud M, Morel B, Girard O, Sevrez V, Germain A, Chamu T, Racinais S, Hautier C. (2018) Hypoxia and fatigue impair rapid torque development of knee extensors in elite alpine skiers. Front Physiol, 9:962.
113. Brechbuhl C, Girard O, Millet GP, Schmitt L. (2018) Differences within elite female tennis players during an incremental field test. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 50(12):2465-2473.
112. Girard O, Banzet S, Koulmann N, Chennaoui M, Drogou C, Chalabi H, Racinais S. (2018) Larger strength losses and muscle activation deficits in plantar flexors induced by backward downhill in reference to distance-matched forward uphill treadmill walk. Eur J Sports Sci, 18(10):1346-1356.
111. Oueslati F, Girard O, Ahmaidi S. (2018) Respiratory and muscle oxygenation responses to two constant-load exercise intensities. J Ath Enhanc, 7:3.
110. Girard O, Millet GP, Thomson A, Brocherie F. (2018) Is plantar loading altered during repeated sprints on artificial turf in international football players? J Sports Sci Med, 17(3):359-365.
109. Brocherie F, Girard O, Millet GP. (2018) Examination of fatigue development during an international ice hockey game. Biol Sport, 35(3):261-267.
108. Van der Zwaard S, Brocherie F, Kom BLG, Millet GP, Deldicque L, van der Laarse WJ, Girard O*, Japsers RT*. (2018) Skeletal muscle adaptations in oxidative capacity, fiber size and oxygen supply capacity following repeated-sprint training combined with chronic hypoxic exposure. J Appl Physiol, 124(6):1403-1412.
107. Di Mascio M, Ade J, Girard O, Bradley PS. (2018) Soccer-specific reactive repeated-sprint ability in elite youth soccer players : Maturation trends and association with performance of other physical tests. J Strength Cond Res, in press.
106. Hauser A, Troesch S, Steiner T, Brocherie F, Girard O, Saugy JJ, Schmitt L, Millet GP, Wehrlin J. (2018) Do athletes with already high initial hemoglobin mass benefit from ‘Live High Train Low’ altitude training? Exp Physiol, 103(1):68-76.
105. Silva JR, Rumpf M, Hertzog M, Castagna C, Farooq A, Girard O, Hader K. (2018) Acute and residual soccer match-related fatigue: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Sports Med, 48(3):539-583.
104. Sanchez A, Borrani F, Girard O, Galbès O, Candau R. (2018) Occurrence of a slow component during intermittent exercises performed at VO2peak. Sci Sport, 33(1):9-17. [French]
103. Girard O, Bishop DJ, Racinais S. (2018) M-wave normalization of EMG signal to investigate heat stress and fatigue. J Sci Med Sport, 21(5):518-524.
102. Brocherie F, Millet GP, D’Hulst G, Van Thienen R, Deldicque L, Girard O. (2018) Repeated maximal-intensity hypoxic exercise superimposed to hypoxic residence boosts skeletal muscle transcriptional responses in elite team-sport athletes. Acta Physiol (Oxf), 222(1).
101. Millet GP, Girard O. (2017) Editorial : High-intensity exercise in hypoxia – Beneficial aspects and potential drawbacks. Front Physiol, 4;8:1017.
100. Girard O, Billaut F, Christian RJ, Bradley PS, Bishop DJ. (2017) Exercise-related sensations contribute to decrease power output during repeated cycle sprints with limited influence on neural drive. Eur J Appl Physiol, 117(11):2171-2179.
99. Hobbins L, Hunter S, Gaoua N, Girard O. (2017) Normobaric hypoxic conditioning to maximize weight-loss and ameliorate cardio-metabolic health in obese populations: A systematic review. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol, 313(3):R251-R264.
98. Brown SR, Cross MR, Samozino P, Girard O, Brocherie F, Morin J-B. (2017) Kinetic sprint asymmetries on a non-motorised treadmill in rugby union athletes. Int J Sports Med, 38(13):1017-1022.
97. Girard O, Brocherie F, Morin J-B, Millet GP. (2017) Does “Live High-Train Low (and High)” hypoxic training alter running mechanics? J Sports Sci Med, 16(3):328-332.
96. Girard O, Brocherie F, Milet GP. (2017) Effect of altitude/hypoxia on single- and multiple-sprint performance: A comprehensive review. Sports Med, 47(10):1931-1949.
95. Brechbuhl C, Girard O, Millet GP, Schmitt L. (2017) Technical alterations during an incremental field test in elite male tennis players. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 49(9):1917-1926.
94. Girard O, Brocherie F, Morin J-B, Millet GP. (2017) Lower limb mechanical asymmetry during repeated treadmill sprints. Hum Mov Sci, 52:203-214.
93. Brocherie F, Girard O, Faiss R, Milet GP. (2017) Effects of repeated-sprint training in hypoxia on sea-level performance : a meta-analysis. Sports Med, 47(8):1651-1660.
92. Iaia MF, Fiorenza M, Larghi L, Millet GP, Girard O. (2017) The effect of short vs. long rest intervals during repeated-sprint training on physical performance in soccer. PLoS ONE, 12(2):e0171462.
91. Girard O, Malatesta D, Millet GP. (2017) Walking in hypoxia : an efficient treatment to lessen mechanical constraints and improve health in obese individuals ? Front Physiol, 8:73.
90. Girard O, Brocherie F, Morin J-B, Racinais S, Millet GP, Périard JD. (2017) Effect of heat stress on mechanical alterations to repeated treadmill sprints. PLoS ONE 12(2):e0170679.
89. Girard O, Millet GP, Micallef J-P. (2017) Mechanical alterations during 800-m self-paced track running. Int J Sports Med, 38(4):314-322.
88. Baklouti H, Rejeb N, Aloui A, Jaafar H, Ammar A, Chtourou H, Girard O, Souissi N. (2017) Short versus long small-sided training during Ramadan in soccer players. Phys Ther Sport, 3:20-25.
87. Brocherie F, Millet GP, Girard O. (2017) Psycho-physiological responses to repeated-sprint training in normobaric hypoxia and normoxia. Int J Sports Physiol Perf, 12(1):115-123.
86. Girard O, Brocherie F, Morin J-B, Millet GP. (2017) Mechanical alterations during interval-training treadmill runs in high-level male team-sport players. J Sci Med Sport, 20(1):87-91.
85. Brocherie F, Girard O, Faiss R, Millet GP. (2016) Altitude and team sports: traditional methods challenged by innovative sport-specific training in hypoxia. Rev Int Med Cienc Ac, 46:338-358. [Spanish]
84. Millet GP, Debevec T, Brocherie F, Malatesta D, Girard O. (2016) Therapeutic use of exercising in hypoxia : promises and limitations. Front Physiol, 7:224.
83. Girard O, Bula S, Faiss R, Brocherie F, Millet GY, Millet GP. (2016) Does altitude level of a prior time-trial modify subsequent exercise performance in hypoxia and associated neuromuscular responses? Physiol Rep, 4(14): e12804.
82. Brocherie F, Millet GP, Morin J-B, Girard O. (2016) Mechanical alterations to repeated treadmill sprints in normobaric hypoxia. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 48(8):1570-1579.
81. Girard O, Brocherie F, Tomazin K, Farooq A, Morin J-B. (2016) Changes in running mechanics over 100-m, 200-m and 400-m treadmill sprints. J Biomech, 49(9):1490-1497.
80. Oueslati F, Girard O, Tabka Z, Ahmaidi S. (2016) Excess VO2 during ramp exercise is positively correlated to intercostal muscles deoxyhemoglobin levels above the gas exchange threshold in young trained cyclists. Respir Physiol Neurobiol, 228:83-90.
79. Brechbuhl C, Girard O, Millet GP, Schmitt L. (2016) On the use of a Test to Exhaustion Specific to Tennis (TEST) with ball hitting by elite players. PLoS ONE, 11(4): e0152389.
78. Girard O, Brocherie F, Millet GP. (2016) High hypoxia increases alteration in maximal torque but not in rapid torque development in knee extensors after repeated treadmill sprinting. Front Physiol, 7:97.
77. Vitiello D, Pochon L, Malatesta D, Girard O, Newman CJ, Degache F. (2016) Walking-induced muscle fatigue impairs postural control in teenagers with unilateral spastic cerebral palsy. Res Dev Disabil, 53-54:11-18.
76. Girard O, Brocherie F, Morin J-B, Millet GP. (2016) Running mechanical alterations during repeated treadmill sprints in hot versus hypoxic environments. A pilot study. J Sports Sci, 34(12):1190-1198.
75. Girard O, Brocherie F, Morin J-B, Millet GP. (2016) Intra- and inter-session reliability of running mechanics during treadmill sprints. Int J Sports Physiol Perf, 11(4):432-439.
74. Mohr M, Thomassen M, Girard O, Racinais S, Nybo L. (2016) Muscle variables of importance for physiological performance in competitive football. Eur J Appl Physiol, 116(2):251-262.
73. Brocherie F, Millet GP, Hauser A, Steiner T, Wehrlin J, Rysman J, Girard O. (2015) Hemoglobin mass is correlated with specific fitness in elite team-sport players. PLoS ONE, 10(12): e0144446.
72. Girard O, Brocherie F, Morin JB, Millet GP. (2015) Neuromechanical determinants of repeated treadmill sprints – Usefullness of an ‘hypoxic to normoxic recovery’ approach. Front Physiol, 6:260.
71. Brocherie F, Girard O, Millet GP. (2015) Emerging environmental and weather challenges in outdoor sports. Climate, 3:492-521.
70. Girard O, Brocherie F, Morin J-B, Degache F, Millet GP. (2015) Comparison of four sections for analysing running mechanics alterations during repeated treadmill sprints. J Appl Biomech, 31(3):389-395.
69. Girard O (2015) Thermoregulation in wheelchair tennis – How to manage heat stress? Front Physiol. 6:175.
68. Racinais S, Alonso JM, Coutts AJ, Flouris AD, Girard O, Gonzalez-Alonso J, Hausswirth C, Jay O, Lee J, Mitchell N, Nassis GP, Nybo L, Pluim B, Roelands B, Sawka MN, Wingo J, Périard J. (2015) Consensus recommendations on training and competing in the heat. Scand J Med Sci Sports, 25(1):6-19.
Republished as: Sports Med, 45(7):925-938
Br J Sports Med, 49(18):1164-1173
67. Girard O, Brocherie F, Bishop DJ. (2015) Sprint performance under heat stress: a review. Scand J Med Sci Sports, 25(1):6-19.
66. Girard O, Nybo L, Mohr M, Racinais S. (2015) Plantar flexor neuromuscular adjustments following football match-play in hot and cool conditions. Scand J Med Sci Sports, 25(1):154-163.
65. Brocherie F, Millet GP, Hauser A, Steiner T, Rysman J, Wehrlin J, Girard O. (2015) ‘Live high – train low and high’ hypoxic training improves team-sport performance. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 47(10):2140-2149.
64. Brocherie F, Millet GP, Girard O. (2015) Neuro-mechanical and metabolic adjustments induced by the repeated anaerobic running sprint test performed by professional soccer players. Eur J Appl Physiol, 115(5):891-903.
63. Brocherie F, Girard O, Farooq A, Millet GP. (2015) Influence of weather, rank, and home advantage on football outcomes in the Gulf region. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 47(2):401-410.
62. Brocherie F, Girard O, Faiss R, Millet GP. (2015) High-intensity intermittent training in hypoxia: a double-blinded, placebo-controlled field study in youth football players. J Strength Cond Res, 29(1):226-237.
61. Fourchet F, Girard O, Kelly L, Horoneanu C, Millet GP. (2015) Changes in leg spring behaviour, plantar loading and foot mobility magnitude induced by a treadmill exhaustive run in adolescent middle-distance runners. J Sci Med Sport, 18(2):199-203.
60. Girard O, Brocherie F, Millet GP (2015) Can analysis of performance and neuromuscular recoveries from repeated sprints shed more light on its fatigue-causing mechanisms? Front Physiol, 6(5):1-2.
59. Christian RJ, Bishop DJ, Billaut F, Girard O. (2014) Peripheral fatigue is not critically regulated during maximal, intermittent, dynamic leg extensions. J Appl Physiol, 117(9):1063-1073.
58. Girard O, Racinais S. (2014) Combining heat stress and moderate hypoxia reduces cycling time to exhaustion without modifying neuromuscular fatigue characteristics. Eur J Appl Physiol, 114(7):1521-32.
57. Racinais S, Buchheit M, Girard O. (2014) Breakpoints in ventilation, cerebral and muscle oxygenation, and muscle activity during an incremental cycling exercise. Front Physiol, 5:142.
56. Christian RJ, Bishop D, Billaut F, Girard O. (2014) The role of sense of effort during self-selected cycling power output. Front Physiol, 5:115.
55. Knez WL, Girard O, Racinais S, Walsh A, Gaoua N, Grantham J. (2014) Does living and working in a hot environment induce clinically relevant changes in immune function and forearm strength? Ind Health, 52(3):235-239.
54. Périard JD, Racinais S, Knez WL, Herrera C, Christian RJ, Girard O. (2014) Coping with heat stress during match-play tennis: does an individualized hydration regimen enhance performance and recovery? Br J Sports Med (Heat stress & tennis performance supplement), 48(1):64-70.
53. Girard O, Racinais S, Périard JD. (2014) Tennis in hot and cool conditions decreases rapid muscle torque production capacity of the knee extensors but not the plantar flexors. Br J Sports Med (Heat stress & tennis performance supplement) 48(1):52-58.
52. Périard JD, Racinais S, Girard O. (2014) Neuromuscular adjustments of the knee extensors and plantar flexors following match-play tennis in the heat. Br J Sports Med (Heat stress & tennis performance supplement), 48(1):45-51.
51. Girard O, Christian R, Racinais S, Périard JD. (2014) Heat stress does not exacerbate tennis-induced alterations in physical performance. Br J Sports Med (Heat stress & tennis performance supplement), 48(1):39-44.
50. Périard J, Racinais S, Knez W, Herrera C, Christian RJ, Girard O. (2014) Thermal, physiological and perceptual strain mediate alterations in match-play tennis under heat stress. Br J Sports Med (Heat stress & tennis performance supplement), 48(1):32-38.
49. Brocherie F, Girard O, Al Haddad H, Dos Santos G, Millet GP. (2014) Relationships between anthropometric measures and athletic performance, with special reference to repeated sprint ability, in the Qatar national soccer team. J Sports Sci, 32(13):1243-1254.
48. Girard O, Amann M, Aughey R, Billaut F, Bishop F, Bourdon P, Buchheit M, Chapman R, D’Hooghe M, Garvican-Lewis LA, Gore CJ, Millet GP, Roach GD, Sargent C, Saunders PU, Schmidt W, Schumacher YO. (2013) Position statement – Altitude training for improving team-sport players’ performance: current knowledge and unresolved issues. Br J Sport Med (Altitude training & team sports supplement), 47(1):8-16.
47. Bishop D, Girard O. (2013) Determinants of team-sport performance: implications for altitude training by team-sport athletes. Br J Sport Med (Altitude training & team sports supplement), 47(1):17-23.
46. Faiss R, Girard O, Millet GP. (2013) Advancing hypoxic training in team sports: from intermittent hypoxic training to repeated sprint training in hypoxia. Br J Sport Med (Altitude training & team sports supplement), 47(1):47-52.
45. Girard O, Brocherie F, Millet GP. (2013) On the use of mobile inflatable hypoxic marquees for sport-specific altitude training in team sports. Br J Sport Med (Altitude training & team sports supplement), 47(1):116-8.
44. Girard O, Pluim B. Improving team-sport player’s physical performance with altitude training: from beliefs to scientific evidence. Br J Sport Med (Altitude training & team sports supplement), 47(1), 2-3.
43. Girard O, Chalabi H. Could altitude training benefit team-sport athletes? Br J Sport Med (Altitude training & team sports supplement), 47(1), 4-5.
42. Millet GP, Faiss R, Brocherie F, Girard O. Hypoxic training and team sports: a challenge to traditional methods. Br J Sport Med (Altitude training & team sports supplement), 47(1):6-7.
41. Banzet S, Chennaoui M, Girard O, Racinais S, Chalabi H, Drogou C, Koulmann N. (2013) Changes in circulating microRNAs levels with exercise modality. J Appl Physiol, 115(9):1237-1244.
40. Racinais S, Girard O, Maffiuletti NA. (2013) M-wave, H- and V-reflex recruitment curves during maximal voluntary contraction. J Clin Neurophysiol. 30(4):415-421.
39. Girard O, Bishop D, Racinais S. (2013) Neuromuscular adjustments of the quadriceps muscle to repeated cycling sprints. PLoS ONE. 8(5):e61793.
38. Nybo L, Girard O, Mohr M, Knez W, Voss S, Racinais S. (2013) Markers of muscle damage and performance recovery from competitive exercise in the heat. Med Sci Sport Exerc. 45(5):860-868
37. Girard O, Millet GP, Slawinski J, Racinais S, Micallef J-P. (2013) Changes in running mechanics and spring-mass behavior over a 5-km time trial. Int J Sports Med. 34(9):832-840.
36. Girard O, Bishop D, Racinais S. (2013) Hot conditions improve power output during repeated cycling sprints without modifying neuromuscular fatigue characteristics. Eur J Appl Physiol, 113(2):359-369. [IF=2.33]
35. Racinais S, Girard O. (2012) Neuromuscular failure is unlikely to explain the early exercise cessation in hot ambient conditions. Psychophysiology, 49(6):853-865.
34. Girard O, Millet GP, Micallef J-P, Racinais S. (2012) Alteration in neuromuscular function after a 5 km running time trial. Eur J Appl Physiol, 112(6):2323-2330.
33. Girard O, Farooq A. (2012) Effects of Ramadan fasting on repeated sprint ability in young children. Sci Sport, 27:237-240.
32. Almudheki F, Girard O, Grantham J, Racinais S. (2012) Hot ambient conditions do not alter intermittent cycling sprint performance. J Sci Med Sport, 15(2):148-152.
31. Kelly L, Girard O, Racinais S. (2011) Impact of orthoses on changes in neuromuscular control and aerobic cost of a 1-h run. Med Sci Sport Exer, 43(12):2335-2343.
30. Girard O, Racinais S, Kelly L, Millet GP, Brocherie F. (2011) Repeated sprinting on natural grass impairs vertical stiffness but doesn’t alter plantar loading in football players. Eur J Appl Physiol, 111(10):2547-2555.
29. Fourchet F, Kuitunen S, Girard O, Millet GP. (2011) Effects of combined foot/ankle electromyostimulation and resistance training on the in-shoe plantar pressure patterns during sprint in young athletes. J Sci Sports Med, 10(2):292-300.
28. Girard O, Mendez-Villanueva A, Bishop D. (2011) Repeated-sprint ability: Factors contributing to fatigue (part I). Sports Med, 41(8):673-694.
27. Bishop D, Girard O, Mendez-Villanueva A. (2011) Repeated-sprint ability: Training recommendations (part II). Sports Med, 41(9):741-756.
26. Rabita G, Slawinski J, Girard O, Bignet F, Hausswirth C. (2011) Spring-mass behavior during exhaustive run at constant velocity in elite triathletes. Med Sci Sport Exerc, 43(4):685-692.
25. Gaoua N, Grantham J, El Massioui F, Girard O, Racinais S. (2011) Cognitive decrements do not follow neuromuscular alterations during passive heat exposure. Int J Hyperther, 27(1):10-19.
24. Girard O, Micallef J-P, Millet GP. (2011) Changes in spring-mass model characteristics during repeated running sprints. Eur J Appl Physiol, 111(1):125-134.
23. Girard O, Racinais S, Micallef J-P & Millet GP. (2011) Spinal modulations accompany peripheral fatigue during prolonged tennis playing. Scand J Med Sci Sport, 21(3):455-464.
22. Girard O, Micallef J-P, Millet GP. (2010) Effects of the playing surface on plantar pressures during the first serve in tennis. Int J Sports Physiol Perform, 5:384-393.
21. Girard O, Eicher F, Micallef J-P, Millet GP. (2010) Plantar pressures in tennis serve. J Sport Sci, 28(8):873-880.
20. Perrey S, Racinais S, Saimouaa K, Girard O. (2010) Neural and muscular adaptations to fatigue following repeated running sprints. Eur J Appl Physiol, 109(6):1027-1036.
19. Girard O, Millet GP, Slawinski J, Racinais S, Micallef J-P. (2010) Changes in leg-spring behavior during a 5000-m self-paced race in differently trained triathletes. Sci Sport, 25(2):99-102.
18. Rupp T, Girard O, Perrey S. (2010) Re-determination of the optimal stimulation intensity modifies resting H-reflex recovery after a sustained moderate-intensity muscle contraction. Muscle Nerve, 41(5):642-650.
17. Girard O, Micallef J-P, Noual J, Millet GP. (2010) Alteration of neuromuscular function in squash. J Sci Med Sport, 13(1):172-177.
16. Girard O, Millet GP. (2009) Physical determinants of tennis performance in competitive teenage players. J Strength Cond Res, 23(6):1867-1872.
15. Girard O, Carbonnel Y, Candau R, Millet GP. (2009) Running versus strength-based warm-up: acute effects on the isometric knee extension function. Eur J Appl Physiol, 106(4):573-581.
14. Dellal A, Chamari K, Pintus A, Girard O, Cotte T, Keller D. (2008) Heart rate responses during small sided-games and short intermittent running training in elite soccer players: a comparative study. J Strength Cond Res, 22(5):1449-1457.
13. Girard O, Lattier G, Maffiuletti NA, Micallef J-P, Millet GP. (2008) Neuromuscular fatigue during a prolonged intermittent exercise: Application to tennis. J Electromyogr Kines, 18(6):1038-1046.
12. Girard O, Millet GP. (2008) Neuromuscular fatigue in racquet sports. Neurol Clin (Sports Neurology issue), 26(1):181-194.
Republished as: Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinics of North America, 20(1):161-173; 2009.
11. Girard O, Eicher F, Fourchet F, Micallef J-P, Millet GP. (2007) Effects of the playing surface on plantar pressures and potential injuries in tennis. Br J Sport Med, 41(11):733-738.
10. Fourchet F, Kuitunen S, Girard O, Millet GP. (2007) Comparison of foot plantar distribution between training and spike shoes in young sprinters. Sci Sport, 22(3-4):176-178.
9. Girard O, Micallef J-P, Millet GP. (2007) Influence of restricted knee motion during the flat first serve in tennis. J Strength Cond Res, 21(3):950-957.
8. Girard O, Chevalier R, Habrard M, Sciberras P, Hot P, Millet GP. (2007) Game analysis and energy requirements of elite squash. J Strength Cond Res, 21(3):909-914.
7. Racinais S, Girard O, Micallef J-P, Perrey S. (2007) Failed excitability of spinal motoneurons induced by prolonged running exercise. J Neurophysiol, 97:596-603.
6. Girard O, Chevalier R, Levêque F, Micallef J-P, Millet GP. (2006) Specific incremental field-test for aerobic fitness in tennis. Br J Sport Med, 40(9):791-796.
5. Girard O, Lattier G, Micallef J-P, Millet GP. (2006) Changes in exercise characteristics, maximal voluntary contraction and explosive strength during prolonged tennis playing. Br J Sport Med, 40(6):521-526.
4. Le bris, R., Girard O, Millet GP, Auvinet B & E. Barrey. (2005) Estimation of oxygen consumption from accelerometric measures in running under field conditions. Sci Sport, 20(2):91-94.
3. Girard O, Vaseux D, Millet GP. (2005) Comparison of efficiency of three training programs in tennis players. Sci Sport, 20(1):45-47. [French]
2. Girard O, Sciberras P, Habrard M, Chevalier R, Hot P, Millet GP. (2005) Specific incremental test in elite squash players. Br J Sport Med, 39(12):921-926.
1. Girard O, Micallef J-P, Millet GP. (2005) Lower-limb activity during the power serve in tennis: influence of performance level. Med Sci Sport Exer, 37(6):1021-1029.
Non Refereed Journal Publications
13. Girard O, Brocherie F, Faiss R, Millet GP (2019) Improving team-sport physical performance – Latest hypoxic training proposals. Aspetar Sports Medicine Journal, 8(1):120-125.
12. Brechbuhl C, Girard O, Millet GP, Schmitt L. (2017) Towards polarized training in tennis? Usefulness of combining technical and physiological assessments during a new incremental field test. ITF Coaching and Sport Science Review, 73(25):18-21.
11. Girard O. (2017) Therapeutic use of hypoxia for obesity treatment. Namat, 7, 14-15.
10. Brocherie F, Girard O, Millet GP. (2017) Innover en préparation physique avec l’entrainement en altitude. Reflexion sport, 15, 4-23. [French]
9. Brechbuhl C, Girard O, Millet GP, Schmitt L. (2016) Test d’effort spécifique au tennis (TEST) : Étude de cas d’un joueur élite. ITF Coaching and Sport Science Review, 70(3), 27-30. [French]
8. Girard O, Malatesta D, Millet GP. (2015) Is altitude training an efficient treatment for obesity? Aspetar Sports Medicine Journal, 3(4), 382-385.
7. Girard O, Durussel A. (2015) Improving physical determinants of tennis performance in teenage players with repeated sprint training: are directional changes adding value? Medicine and Science in Tennis, 20(3), 129-133.
6. Girard O, Racinais S, Cecchinello L, Grantham J. (2014) Monitoring Moto GP rider’s physiological strain. A role for the sport scientist? Aspetar Sports Medicine Journal, 3(2), 362-365.
5. Girard O. (2014) Neuromuscular fatigue in tennis: Mind over muscle? ITF coaching and sport science review. 63, 7-9.
4. Girard O, Millet GP, Micallef J-P. (2012) Are serve velocity and ground reaction forces altered following prolonged tennis? ITF coaching and sport science review, 57(20), 16-19.
3. Girard O. (2007) PhD defense - Neuromuscular fatigue and mechanical alterations in intermittent activities: applications to racket sports. Medicine and Science in Tennis, 12(1), 38-40.
2. Girard O, Chevalier R, Levêque F, Micallef J-P, Millet GP. (2006) Specific incremental test in tennis. ITF Coaching and Sport Science Review,
1. Millet GP, Brocherie F, Faiss R, Girard O. (2015) Entrainement en altitude dans les sports collectifs – Aptitude aérobie et répétition de sprints (edited by Millet GP, Brocherie F, Faiss R, Girard O), De Boeck, ISBN: 9782804190798. [French]
22. Giersch G, Castallani J, Girard O, Grundstein A, Ebelt Sarnat S. (2019) Other environmental conditions for soccer atheltes. Elite soccer players: maximising performance and safety. Routledge publishers, in press.
21. Brocherie F, Girard O, Millet GP, Racinais S. (2018) Playing and training football in hot and/or humid environments. Nova publishers, in press.
20. Brocherie F, Girard O, Millet GP. (2018) Altitude and football: New methods, new opportunities to maximize players’ fitness. Nova publishers, in press.
19. Girard O, Brocherie F, Faiss R, Millet GP. (2018) Méthodes innovantes d’entrainement en altitude des joueurs de sports collectifs. Des données de la recherche à l’entrainement (edited by Souissi N, Driss T), Simpact imprimerie & éditions, in press. [French]
18. Périard JD, Girard O. (2018) Heat stress, heat illness and hydration in elite tennis players: Research findings and practical applications. Tennis medicine (edited by DiGiacomo G, Ben Kibler W, Ellenbecker TS), Springers, in press.
17. Millet GP, Girard O. (2016) Hypoxic training. Science and mountaineering (edited by Seiffert L), Nova science Publishers Inc, p.p. 91-107.
16. Girard O, Brechbuhl C, Schmitt L, Millet GP. (2018) Evaluation et développement des ressources physiologiques du joueur de tennis. Tennis (edited by C. Martin), DeBoeck, in press. [French]
15. Girard O, Périard JD. (2018) Jouer au tennis en conditions chaudes. Tennis (edited by C. Martin), DeBoeck, in press. [French]
14. Girard O, Racinais S, Périard J. (2015) Transpiration: Entraînement en milieu chaud et humide. 43e Entretiens de médicine physique et de réadaptation (edited by Julia M, Gasq D, Perrey S, Dupeyron A & M Vaucher), p.p. 16-23. [French]
13. Brocherie F, Girard O, Farooq A, Millet GP. (2014) Influence of environmental temperature on home advantage in Qatari international soccer matches. Performance analysis of sport IX (edited by D.M Peters & P. O’Donoghue). Routledge. p.p. 39-44.
12. O’Donoghue P, Girard O, Reid M. (2013) Chapter 39: Racket sports. Routledge handbook of sports performance analysis (edited by T. McGarry, P. O’Donoghue & J Sampaio). Routledge, p.p. 404-414.
11. Bishop D, Girard O. (2010) Repeated-sprint ability (RSA). Strength and conditioning: Biological principles and practical applications (edited by M. Cardinale, R. Newton & K. Nasaka), John Wiley & Sons limited, p.p. 223-241.
10. Bishop D, Girard O. (2010) Repeated-sprint ability. Exercise physiology: from a cellular to an integrative approach (edited by P. Connes, O. Hue & S. Perrey), IOS Press (Amsterdam), p.p. 385-400.
9. Girard O, Chevalier R, Levêque F, Micallef J-P, Millet GP. (2009) Utilisation d’un test de terrain dans la préparation physique du joueur de tennis. Regards croisés sur le tennis (edited by E. Bayle & L. Cronier), AFRAPS, p.p. 273-281. [French]
8. Girard O, Eicher F, Chevalier R. (2009) Comparaison de trois modalités d’entraînement en intermittent sur la répétition de sprints au tennis. Regards croisés sur le tennis (edited by E. Bayle & L. Cronier), AFRAPS, p.p. 293-302. [French]
7. Girard O, Racinais S, Lattier G, Micallef J-P, Millet GP. (2009) Mécanismes de la fatigue neuromusculaire lors de la pratique prolongée du tennis. Regards croisés sur le tennis (edited by E. Bayle & L. Cronier), AFRAPS, p.p. 325-344. [French]
6. Girard O, Guerin P, Teulier C, Millet GP, Micallef J-P. (2009) Effets de la fatigue sur les coordinations segmentaires au service en tennis: Etude préliminaire. Regards croisés sur le tennis (edited by E. Bayle & L. Cronier), AFRAPS, p.p. 353-360. [French]
5. Rave G, Micallef J-P, Girard O. (2009) Intérêt d’un programme d’utilisation d’une raquette lestée sur l’efficacité du coup droit au tennis. Regards croisés sur le tennis (edited by E. Bayle & L. Cronier), AFRAPS, p.p. 423-432. [French]
4. Girard O, Chevalier R, Levêque F, Micallef J-P, Millet GP. (2008) Specific incremental test in tennis. Science and Racket Sports IV (edited by A. Lees, D. Carbello & G. Torres), Oxon: Routledge, p.p. 36-43.
3. Girard O, Eicher F, Fourchet F, Micallef J-P, Millet GP. (2007) Effects of the playing surface on in-shoe foot loading patterns during tennis-specific movements. Tennis Science and Technology III (edited by S. Miller & J. Capel-Davies), London: ITF, p.p. 199-206.
2. Girard O, Millet GP. (2005) Effets de la surface de jeu sur les réponses physiologiques et les caractéristiques techniques de jeunes joueurs de tennis. Les cahiers de l’INSEP n°35 (edited by D. Lehenaff & J.F. Kahn), p.p. 93-105. [French]
1. Girard O, Millet GP. (2004) Influence of the ground surface on physiological and technical responses in young tennis players. Science and Racket Sports III (edited by A. Lees, D. Kahn & I. Maynard), London: Routledge, p.p. 43-48.
15. Billaut F, Girard O, Millet GP. (2018) Hypoxia could further enhance peripheral muscle adaptations to resistance training and boost W’. Viewpoint. Commentaries on Viewpoint: Resistance training and exercise tolerance during high-intensity exercise: moving beyond just running economy and muscle strength. J Appl Physiol, 124, 529-530.
14. Millet GP, Debevec T, Brocherie F, Girard O, Pialoux V. (2017) Influence of the between-subjects and between-hypoxic conditions variability in oxidative stress. Viewpoint. Commentaries on Viewpoint: Human skeletal muscle wasting in hypoxia: a matter of hypoxic dose? J Appl Physiol, 122(2), 409.
13. Millet GP, Brocherie F, Faiss R, Girard O. (2016) Clarification on altitude training Exp Physiol, 102(1):130-131.
12. Millet GP, Brocherie F, Girard O. (2016) New metric for the hypoxic stimulus, not for the response. Commentaries in Viewpoint: Time for a new metric for hypoxie dose? J Appl Physiol 121: 356–358.
11. Brocherie F, Millet GP, Girard O. (2016) Heat acclimatization does/does not improve exercise performance in a cool condition: Relevance for sprint performance. CrossTalk: Heat acclimatization does not improve exercise performance in a cool condition. J Physiol, in press.
10. Millet GP, Girard O, Malatesta D, Debevec T, Mekjavic IB. (2016) Exercising in hypoxia as an innovative treatment. CrossTalk: High intensity interval training does have a role in risk reduction or treatment of disease. J Physiol, in press.
9. Brocherie F, Girard O, Pezzoli A, Millet GP. (2014) Outdoor exercise performance in ambient heat: time to overcome challenging factor? Int J Hyperthermia, 30(8), 547-549.
8. Morin JB, Girard O, Slawinski J, Rabita G, Dalleau G, Brughelli M. (2013) Lower limb mechanical properties: significant references omitted. Sports Med, 43(2), 151-153. [IF=5.04]
7. Girard O. (2012) Reduced air resistance with terrestrial altitude alters run sprint performance. Viewpoint. Hypobaric hypoxia induces / does not induce different responses than normobaric hypoxia? (Millet GP, Faiss R, Pialoux V, Mounier R, Brugniaux J). J Appl Physiol, 112(10), 1788. [IF=3.06]
6. Bishop D, Girard O. (2012) The authors’ response. Part II. Reply to : Should we be recommending repeated sprints to improve repeated-sprint performance (Buchheit M). Sports Med, 42(2), 169-173. [IF=5.04]
5. Girard O, Bishop D. (2012) The authors’ response. Part I. Reply to : Fatigue during repeated sprints : precision needed (Buchheit M). Sports Med, 42(2), 165-168. [IF=5.04]
4. Millet GP, Girard O. (2011) Mechanisms of self-optimized pacing. Viewpoint. The two-hour marathon: who and when? (Joyner MJ, Ruiz JR, Lucia A). J Appl Physiol, 110(1), 279. [IF=3.06]
3. Girard O, Racinais S. (2010) Other sources outside the muscle afferent feedback limit locomotor performance in the heat. Point: Counterpoint. Afferent feedback from fatigued locomotor muscle is / is not an important determinant of endurance exercise performance (Amann M, Secher NH, Marcora SM). J Appl Physiol, 108(2), 462-463. [IF=3.06]
2. Girard O, Millet GP. (2009) Maximal rate of force development can represent a more functional measure of muscle activation. Point: Counterpoint. The interpolated twitch does / does not provide a valid measure of the voluntary activation of the muscle (Taylor JL, de Haan A, Gerrits K, de Ruiter CJ). J Appl Physiol, 107(1), 359-360. [IF=3.06]
1. Racinais S, Girard O. (2009) ITT: a tool to demonstrate muscle inactivation rather than to calculate a percentage of activation. Point: Counterpoint. The interpolated twitch does / does not provide a valid measure of the voluntary activation of the muscle (Taylor JL, de Haan A, Gerrits K, de Ruiter CJ). J Appl Physiol, 107(1), 361. [IF=3.06]