It is my great pleasure and an honour to become a fellow of the European College of Sport Science (ECSS) !
The ECSS annual conference offers the highest-level scientific programme in sports science. Accordingly, I have had a strong representation since 2004 when I was a PhD student myself. Since then I have delivered over 3o presentations, either as lead presenter (>50%) or collaborator.
I have also contributed to the congress programme by organizing in 2015 an invited session sponsored by Aspetar aiming to update our current knowledge about “Recent developments in altitude and hypoxic training”. Along with chairing the symposium, I have chaired more than ten other oral/poster/mini-oral sessions since 2012.
This year I am excited to contribute further to the ECSS annual congress by various actions. Firstly, I have been invited to deliver the talk “Best practices in altitude training for team sports” in the invited session “Hot topics in altitude medicine and altitude training”. Secondly, I will have a mini-oral presentation (Repeated sprinting on third-generation artificial turf does not alter plantar loading in International male football players using a fatigue inducing protocol), while one of my former PhD student will also give an oral presentation (Does “Live high-train low and high” hypoxic training alter running mechanics in elite team-sport athletes?). Thirdly, I have been invited to become a member of the jury panel of the 2017 German Tennis Federation Tennis Award. Finally, I will also be chairing 4 sessions.
In the future, I look forward to representing the ECSS in Qatar and promoting its journal (European College of Sport Science) and congress to a wider audience.
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